Sustainable Shopping header image. The image shows a mockup of a tablet screen containing the product pages as a preview. On the right there are two product cards overlaid in a stylised collage.

Sus­tain­able Shop­ping — The most sus­tain­able prod­ucts, in one place

Sus­tain­able Shop­ping are on a mis­sion to unite the UK and make find­ing zero-waste, eco-con­s­cious stores and prod­ucts as sim­ple as a trip to the supermarket.

We are working with Sustainable Shopping to create the internet’s largest, most accessible non-profit sustainability directory. Clarity and accessibility drive the UX, creating a sophisticated experience for shopping green.

This is a work in progress - Website is launching soon.


  • Website


Craft CMS

The image shows wireframe prototype previews of the Sustainable Shopping website on desktop

Planned from the ground up

Our work with Sustainable Shopping had been a thorough exploration into user habits and content structure. With an extensive exploration process and multiple prototyping sessions, we established a solid framework on which to design a centralised shopping platform geared for sustainability.

The image shows a preview of the website on desktop and mobile. On the left a desktop preview shows the homepage. Overlaid slightly on the right is a preview of the site on mobile, showing the homepage header, a zero waste stores call to action and a sign-up to the newsletter. The image shows previews of the websites as a stylised collage. Snippets include a newsletter call to action, search results page, example product cards, a map view of zero waste stores and a preview of the blog articles.

A design shaping up

We're still in the process of applying the finishing touches to the design, keep your eyes peeled for future updates...